Kategori: Other Photographers

  • My favorite sites

    I would now like to share some websites with you, this is some I follow on a daily basis, and I use Google Reader for it and if you have not been looking at Google Reader or any other RSS reader, you should definitely look at it. For it is an incredibly easy way to keep track of one’s favorite photographers websites.

    My favorite photography websites (Said with a deep male voice):

    • Strobist.com (strobist.blogspot.com)
      David Hobby has a phenomenal website for Strobists, I discovered his site for about 3 years ago and quickly became fascinated with the details of what he writes. He has a fun and informative angle on what he writes. Drop by and get inspired or read his Strobist 101 or 102, where he undergoes Strobist techniques you can use.
    • Fotograftips.dk
      Nicolai Brix is a professional photographer based on Funen, I found his blog about a year and a half ago. And the cool thing about his blog is that he writes every day, explains his techniques and how as a professional photographer, he is doing his work. He’s doing quite a few video along with his posts, cool to see how he works.
      I’ve actually been on one of his workshops, they can definitely be recommended it, he has been a Nikon Ambassador and teacher of Nikon’s CLS system.



      • Don Giannatti bruger lyset på samme måde som David Hobby i hans Lighting Essentials workshops, og han laver også nogle Tech Sheets hvor han beskriver forskellige måder at tage et billede på.


      • Ken Rockwell
        Ken har rigtigt mange tips vedrørende fotografering og udstyr, han laver endda sine egne manualer til Nikon kameraer. Nogle påstår han er påvirket af Nikon, og jeg er ikke enig i alt han skriver. Men jeg kan lide hans stil, og læser regelmæssigt hans indlæg. Han får også nogle helt utrolige farver frem i hans billeder, og så tager han kun billeder i JPEG, i modsætning til mig som kun tager billeder i RAW.


      • Earthbound Light
        Bob Johnson skriver lidt om dit og dat, men jeg vender tilbage til hans blog hver gang han skriver noget nyt. Layoutet er simplet og Frontpage agtigt, men indholdet er super, se hans store arkiv af tips.


      • Fashion Photography Blog
        Melissa Rodwell fandt faktisk mig på flickr først, og jeg tilføjede hende som ven øjeblikkeligt, hun skriver om fotografering af mode, men også om hvordan man gennemfører en foto session. Hun laver også videoer til nogle af sine blog indlæg.


      • Digital Photography School
        Darren Rowse har denne blog, og der er masser af gode tips til at tage billeder, emner til fototure at dykke ned i og til at efterbehandle billederne når de er taget. Kig forbi og bliv inspireret.

    Dette er blot nogle af de blogs jeg følger, nogle er mere udstyrs orienterede og andre indeholder gode øvelser til at blive bedre til f.eks. Adobe Photoshop.

  • D-Town, formerly known as Nikon D-Town returns

    Yesterday Scott Kelby announced the return of D-Town TV, but this time it will be a show dedicated to all DSLR’s – Not just those from Nikon.

    The show will air on January 7th 2010.


  • Final episode of Nikon DTown TV

    Last Thursday the final episode of Nikon DTown TV was released, but fear not the guys will be back with another show in a few weeks. And this time it seems to be all about photography and gear, not just Nikon stuff.

    The DTown TV show contains a lot of tips for Nikon DSLR cameras, and several of the customizations to my Nikon D700 have been tips I’ve gotten by Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski.

    Stop by their show and get your own tips.

  • Music video shot using digital cameras

    A great song and the entire video was shot using digital cameras, I recommend that you go to directly to Vimeo to view it in fullscreen HD.

    The video was shot using a Canon 5D MkII, a Panasonic Lumix GH1 and a Red One.